Tag Archives: Photography

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2 Beta 1

A quick look through my RSS feeds this morning alerted me to something very interesting, and potentially exciting[1]. Adobe have announced a public beta of Lightroom v2.
For current Lightroom users, the beta will install alongside your current 1.3.1 version (you did get rid of 1.4, right?) without breaking anything. At […]

Finally, the snow arrives

Over the last few days, there have been reports of moderate to heavy snowfalls all over the place, but apart from the odd shower, it seemed to be avoiding my little corner of the world.
But now it’s finally got round to it. Not a lot of it, and the clouds seem to have wandered off […]

Art Criticism?

This is just a small part of a slightly odd set of bird sculptures near the wetlands at Cardiff Bay. Note that some real birds have expressed their opinion of the work…


This is another picture from December’s visit to Cardiff Bay. It’s a detail of the memorial to Captain Scott’s ill-fated expedition to the South Pole.
You might have spotted this in an episode of Torchwood…

Lightroom Fun and Games

When Lightroom 1.3 was released, I mentioned its new plugin architecture, which looked like something with a lot of potential. For my purposes, the best plugin I’m aware of is Jeffrey Friedl’s one for exporting to Flickr. This is great - it can resize your images, add tags, titles and captions (you can either add […]


I do love a good bad sign, and this is as bad as I’ve seen in a long time. Spotted in a Newcastle shop window today. The identity of the shop will be kept confidential. Far be it from me to mention that it’s in Monument Mall.

Cardiff Bay Pictures

Yes, I finally found a tuit! I’ve picked out some of the better pictures from my visit to Cardiff Bay just before Christmas. I’ve only done a few so far, but I may add some more to the album later.
It was a very hazy day, and the light wasn’t really up to much for most […]

Lens Envy

That’s what it’s called when someone has a bigger/better/fancier/newer lens than any of yours, especially if it’s some frighteningly expensive ultra-wide aperture, very high quality, incredibly heavy thing. Rather like this:

I mention this because I saw some guys with what looked like a Canon EOS 1D complete with one of the more expensive bits of […]

Wacom Bamboo Graphics Tablet

Readers with long memories might recall me mentioning my first graphics tablet some time ago. I’ve made some use of it, and while it’s not something I use all the time, it’s not something I’d want to do without. And there lay the problem. At the time I bought it, it was (as these things […]

Come on Down!

This is probably the last picture I’ll post of Gateshead’s controversial car park before demolition starts. I’ve heard all the arguments about “architectural merit” and in my not even slightly humble opinion, they don’t really hold up. This is a lump which fails in its basic purpose of being a place to park cars. Like […]