Tag Archives: Macification

Delicious Library

You know how it is with software. Sometimes you download a trial of something that sounds really cool, interesting, or at least useful, and you have a quick look, but somehow it doesn’t really come together for you. Maybe you have another look later, and after a while you get the point, and maybe you [...]

Firefox 3 RC1 - Fixing Those Wayward Extensions

Having installed Firefox 3 RC1 and lost a few of my favourite extensions, I decided to see if I could persuade them to work. Most of the time when Firefox says an extension isn’t compatible with the current version, it’s lying. Well, not actually lying so much as taking the value of a variable called [...]

VMWare Fusion 2 Beta 1

I mentioned that I bought VMWare Fusion at the end of December. Most of the time, I just use it so I can run Microsoft Money, but it’s also handy for checking my website layouts in the evil abomination known as Internet Explorer 6. I’ve even successfully used it to connect to the VPN at [...]

Mozy for Mac - Out of Beta

Following on from my last Mozy report, it’s still happily backing up my stuff without causing me any trouble at all.
Mac users who are more reluctant than I am to use beta software might like to know that it’s now at an actual release version -! The automagic update feature that was introduced in [...]

Evernote - Your External Brain

It’s a funny thing, software. Sometimes, you spend ages looking for something that will do just the job you need, and you keep trying this and that, and maybe you eventually settle for something that’s good enough, and you get on and do whatever it is you wanted to. Then there are the times when [...]


Now this is pretty cool. I found out about this at the weekend, signed up for the beta, downloaded it and started playing, and I love it. What is it? Well, in essence, it’s a screen capture program.
Hold on, I hear you say. Surely the Mac has built-in stuff for that? Well, yes it has. [...]


As I spend more time working with the Mac[1], I keep finding new toys to make the experience more pleasant. One thing I didn’t much like about Finder[2] was that copying files from one folder to another wasn’t quite as slick as it could be. You either have to juggle two windows, or make sure [...]

Another Little Experiment

I’m starting to play with some new software toys. One of them might help me remember things[1] and the other might help me with screenshots, which I tend to do a lot of. And what’s more, the two of them can be used together.
Most people will have no idea what I’m going on about, but [...]

There’s more to Safari than I realised

Bob[1] alerted me to this nifty article: 8 Powerful Features of Safari That Few People Know About which documents a few things I hadn’t realised yet (and a few I had).
I’m particularly impressed with the “Snapback” thingy - I’d seen the little arrow thing, but hadn’t realised that it was doing something clever. And [...]

A Safari Annoyance Fixed

As I mentioned the other day, I’m giving Safari 3.1 a proper trial as my main browser on the Mac. Apart from missing some of the Flickr customisations I got through using Greasemonkey on Firefox, I had one irritation: links opening in new windows rather than new tabs as they should[1]. I’d selected all the [...]