Tag Archives: Mutterings

More Updates

The photo backloggery continues. The next set may not appear for a couple of days, as I have to check through the 391 pictures I took at last year’s Sunderland International Air Show[1]. Some of the better pictures have already appeared via Flickr, but I’ll be going through and seeing just how many I can [...]

That Was the Week Off That Was

Yes, it’s back to work tomorrow after a relaxed week off in which I managed to do at least some of the things I wanted to. For instance, I made quite major progress on catching up with the enormous backlog of photos that I’d hardly even looked at. Now lots of them are in the [...]

May 2008 Round-up

What? May’s over already? Well here’s another enthralling end of month report that you can read instead of the seemingly endless daily nonsense. Or not.
May 1: 216.8 pounds (15 stone 6.8 pounds, 98.3 kg)
May 31: 218.0 pounds (15 stone 8 pounds, 98.9 kg)
Difference: A rise of 1.2 pounds (0.5 kg), which is the opposite of [...]

The Lunatics Have Left The Asylum in Charge of the Morons…

OK, I think most people can accept that high levels of security are necessary at airports, and can even accept some of the more absurd restrictions on what can be taken on board planes[1]. But this looks like a level of “security” too far. A traveller was told he couldn’t board a plane because of [...]

The Touble With Software…

I just read a great post by Scott Kelby, in which he reports a conversation with Terry White, which sums up exactly what’s wrong with software development:
Photoshop Insider » The Problem With How Software is Developed Today
Worth a read, and a chuckle.

Britain’s New Coinage - Pictures

I mentioned last month that the new British coinage designs had been revealed to the world. As I said I might, I ordered one of the moderately limited number[1] of proof sets of the new coins, which arrived some weeks later. And just a few weeks after that, I’ve found yet another tuit, and taken [...]

Weight Report - 27 May 2008

Down a bit today, woo, hoo, etc.
As you’d expect for my week off, the weather is tending towards the grey and damp, so photographic opportunities may be on the thin side. But that does give me more time for my backlog…
Today, I went to the MetroCentre for the first time in a while. I didn’t [...]

Coming up in WordPress 2.6

I hinted yesterday that WordPress 2.6 is going to make me a happier Les than 2.5 has done so far. While release, or even a beta version sufficiently developed for me to want to start playing, is a long way off, reports of Cool New Features are gradually appearing. Here are some of the things [...]

WordPress 2.5 - Progress Report

I gave WordPress 2.5 a bit of a hard time earlier this month, so it’s only fair that I should post my thoughts after living with it for almost a month. After all, sometimes first impressions are misleading…
Well, I’m still not particularly happy with the layout of the Write page. And given the number of [...]

Do they want to check our letters, too?

It seems that our government has lost what little vestige of a plot it had been clinging on to. BBC News reports that they are considering keeping records of every phone call and email sent in the UK. Currently, they’re requiring ISPs and phone companies to keep records, but now they want a Big Central [...]