Tag Archives: WordPress 2.5

WordPress 2.5 - Another Irritation Fixed

Following on from my earlier mutterings, I’ve just found a plugin that fixes things a bit more for me. Category Selector Back to the Sidebar isn’t big, and its result isn’t very pretty, but it does succeed in moving the Categories selector out from under the main section and over to the sidebar.
The intention [...]

WordPress 2.5 and Cricket Moods

One of my major annoyances with WordPress 2.5 was with the Cricket Moods plugin, whose author is planning to produce an all-new and much spiffier thing rather than an update, which is really cool, and I’m sure it’ll be great. But as he has a life[1], it may be a while before he can devote [...]

WordPress 2.5 - Progress Report

I gave WordPress 2.5 a bit of a hard time earlier this month, so it’s only fair that I should post my thoughts after living with it for almost a month. After all, sometimes first impressions are misleading…
Well, I’m still not particularly happy with the layout of the Write page. And given the number of [...]

WordPress 2.5 Rants and Raves

Right, I’ve been using WordPress 2.5 live for the best part of a week, and that’s in addition to a fair amount of testing. I’m well aware that I can be resistant to change, and that sometimes it really is just a matter of getting used to something that’s a bit different, so I’ve held [...]

WordPress 2.5 - An Oddness

I’ll do a more general post later about my WordPress 2.5 likes and dislikes, but this one had me wondering for a while. This picture shows part of the sidebar on the write page[1]. It shows information about when the post currently being edited was last saved, either automagically, or manually. Except it doesn’t. Every [...]

That seems to have worked…

Well, that didn’t hurt much. Here’s what I did to upgrade Losing it[1] to WordPress 2.5.1:
I replaced the plugin that puts in the random quotes at the top of the page with a slightly spiffier one that:

Makes it easier to add, remove and edit quotes
Doesn’t put its Edit page in the wp-admin folder

The new one [...]

WordPress 2.5 is out

Yes, after much coding, testing, fixing, changing and all the other fun stuff, the WordPress developers have released a shiny new version of my favourite blogging platform.
The new version features a new look, which comes with a choice of two colour schemes - one much like the “traditional” one, and one with lots of soft [...]

WordPress 2.5 is getting really close

The WordPress Development blog has a “Sneak Peek” of the new admin interface, which (finally) goes some way to explaining the reasoning behind the new design.
While some of what’s being said about deficiencies of the current version has some truth about it, I remain unconvinced that the solution is actually of any use. I’m not [...]

WordPress 2.5 is coming…

With less than a month to go before the scheduled release of the next major update to WordPress, testing has moved from the Alpha (use at your own risk, likely to have severe breakage) to early Beta (use at your own risk, likely to have moderately severe breakage). Rather than expose my live site to [...]