Here I am, brain the size of a planet...

Trying to get back into it…

Saturday, 11th September 2004 11:16 pm

My exercise programme has been suffering lately. Checking over the spreadsheet where I record what I do, I can see that it’s been more off than on for the last couple of months, which is just not good enough. I shall have to give myself a slap.[1]

So, the time has come to set myself a target. It needs to be a reasonable and achievable one, otherwise I’ll just get discouraged and end up not doing it even more[2].

So this is the target: do the full exercise programme at least three times every week. That allows for rest days, nights out, trips to London[3], and the odd day when I either can’t be bothered or spend more time than planned twiddling on the computer.

As a reminder, the current programme is this:

  • 20 minutes (2 x 10 minute sessions) on the rowing machine
  • 120 crunches (30 of each of four exercises) on the abominable abdominal exerciser
  • Two sets of Bullworker exercises (concentrating on arms, chest, shoulders)
  • Three sets of five different dumbbell exercises
  • 10km on the exercise bike - and trying to do that in less time

This is in addition to walking to and from work whenever possible (which, now the rain seems to have stopped[5], is most days), of course.

[1] Owwww!!!!! :cry
[2] I may have to have that sentence taken out and shot :wink:
[3] Though nights out in the same week as a trip to London might mess it up[4]
[4] Not to mention wearing me out :???:
[5] The soaking wet August was very frustrating. Had to keep getting the bus :angry:

I seem to be stabilising again

Saturday, 11th September 2004 10:43 am

A minor rise to 200.6 pounds (14 stone 4.6 pounds, 91.0kg) today. Looks like I’m on another one of those plateau[1] wossnames.

[1] Possibly like the one in The Lost World, so I’d better watch out for dinosaurs

One more little tweak

Saturday, 11th September 2004 2:23 am

Took a bit of searching the Wiki and the forum, and a little fiddling of my own, but I now have any comments I make showing with a different colour background from other people’s comments. Just makes them stand out a bit more.

Now I really must go to bed.

In Space….

Saturday, 11th September 2004 1:53 am

…no one can hear you scream[1]

Just watched the Director’s Cut version of Alien on a rented DVD from Blockbuster[2]. Wow. It’s years since I’ve seen it, and the last time was probably on a 14″ portable TV. Seeing it in widescreen with surround sound was great fun. Still a seriously good movie with a serious Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww factor. Not bad for a 25 year old movie.[6]

I really should go to bed now. It’s a bit late….

[1] As the original posters had it. Of course, the Nostromo was guilty of making noises in space, so obviously nobody thought of that while making the movie. And of course, if you were screaming in space in such a way that no one could hear you, you would presumably be exposed to vacuum and therefore would not scream for very long at all.[3]
[2] I’m currently enjoying a month’s free trial of their unlimited rental scheme.[4] Seems to work quite well.[5] I’ll almost certainly carry on with if after the trial.
[3] Yes, I’m a geek. I think about that kind of thing.
[4] Similar to Netflix, which has been running in the US for quite some time
[5] Sent a couple of DVDs back on Monday, got some more on Thursday, which is pretty good.
[6] That makes me feel really old….