Probably lost it a long time ago

September 10th, 2004

More changes

Friday, 10th September 2004 11:07 pm

Well, I’ve been fiddling around a bit[1], and I’ve moved the photo galleries into new weblog posts, which I’ve backdated to the days when the photos were taken. The Galleries page now links to the relevant posts and the old gallery pages have been removed.

This change will make it several thousand times easier for me to create new galleries in the future, so providing I can remember to take my camera with me, I should be doing a lot more of them from now on.

Things still to do:

  1. Move the Sounds pages into new weblog posts
  2. Set up a clever error page that will direct people who have linked to old pages to either the page they were after or the home page if it can’t work out where they wanted to be
  3. Make the “About” page into a special weblog post

[1] Jokes on the traditional postcard to someone else, please


Friday, 10th September 2004 11:59 am

Having converted Losing it[1] from Movable Type, which is based on Perl, a language I’ve tried to learn a few times, but gave up on as it made my head hurt too much, to WordPress, which is based on the significantly less pain-inducing PHP, I decided it was time to learn more about the underlying language….

I’ve been working with (X)HTML and CSS for years now, but I’ve never really got to grips with any fancy dynamic stuff. I’ve fiddled with bits of JavaScript and ASP, and used other people’s code (such as Movable Type and WordPress), but never really got down to understanding what’s going on with the clever stuff.

So, I bought a book. There are loads of PHP and MySQL books around, ranging from the dreaded “For Dummies”[1] series through to huge doorsteps that I know I’d never get round to reading. After much browsing and dithering, I settled on the Visual Quick Pro book shown above. Relatively cheap, works from basic examples (though assumes familiarity with (X)HTML and preferably some basic programming experience) and has loads of illustrations, so you can see what your work should look like. Seems to be as good an introduction as any of the books I could find.

[1] I just can’t bring myself to even look at the damn things. Hate the name, hate the “reference for the rest of us” attitiude.

Going down slowly…

Friday, 10th September 2004 11:02 am

Down a wee bit more this morning at 200.4 pounds (14 stone 4.4 pounds, 90.9kg). Still slightly above the 200 pounds line that I’d like to stay below, but not a real problem.

The thing is, I seem to be getting bigger muscles. I looked in the mirror the other day, and suddenly realised that my arms seem to have grown[1]. Not sure when that happened….

[1] In girth, not length, in case anyone is visualising me as a gibbon :tongue

The Libertines

Friday, 10th September 2004 10:00 am

Sometimes, it takes me a while to notice something’s going on. [1] This often happens with music, where I’ll be aware of some song or other, like it a lot but manage not to register its title, much less the identity of the performer.[2] Anyway, the first time I was consciously aware of The Libertines was last year’s one-off single Don’t Look Back Into The Sun:

Since then, the Pete & Carl story has developed into a long running soap opera, which may yet lead to the band splitting completely. This would be a great shame, as they are actually rather good[3]. Their second album (pretty picture above) came out a couple of weeks ago, and thanks to a combination of massive publicity and some actual good music, went straight to the top of the UK album chart. I got it from those nice people, so I had it a few days early :grin , which was nice.

It opens with recent single Can’t Stand Me Now:

which has frontmen Pete Doherty and Carl Barat trading verses documenting events of the last year or so:

An ending fitting for the start
you twist and tore our love apart
your light fingers threw[4] the dark
that shattered the lamp and into darkness cast us

That would be when Pete burgled Carl’s flat to get money for his unfortunate chemical dependencies, and for which he spent a few months in prison…

No you’ve got it the wrong way round
you shut me up and blamed it on the brown
cornered the boy kicked out at the world….
the world kicked back a lot f***n’[5] harder

And that would be Pete.

It’s a great track. I’m not sure if the fact that it’s a real argument makes it better or not[6], but it is so good that it emphasises what a great loss it would be to music if Pete and Carl can’t sort things out[7].

There’s more, much more, ending with what will apparently be the next single, What Became of the Likely Lads[8], which ends with

Oh what became of forever?
Oh what became of forever?
We’ll never know!

Let’s hope we do find out…..

And once you’ve absorbed the new album, you’ll want to catch up on the first one, Up the Bracket which includes the quite glorious Time for Heroes, a song which on listening to the CD for the first time gave me yet another of those “Ohhhhhhhhh!” moments[9].

Incidentally, both albums were produced by Mick Jones, best known for his days in another band with multiple front men and loads of attitude. The Clash. Now if the Libs can hold together long enough, they could be right up there with those guys. All relevant appendages crossed.

[1] For an abitrarily “frequent” value of “sometimes”
[2] See other music posts for evidence
[3] More of my understatement stuff :smiley
[4] That’s the spelling in the CD booklet :rolleyes
[5] I’m never sure what to do about the “f” word and its friends. I use them in private conversation and email, but I feel awkward about putting them on a public webpage. Most odd.
[6] Rumour has it that when the album was being recorded, it was on occasion necessary to prevent Pete and Carl[8] from harming each other….

[7] Carl has thrown Pete out of the band until he sorts out his chemical issues. Pete seems to be having a lot of trouble with that…
[8] Not to be confused with 70s sitcom Whatever Happened to the Likely Lads
[9] See other music posts, etc, etc