My friend Michèle Sharik is visiting the UK to both perform[1] and to see some of the country, guided for much of the way by our friend Martin[2]. Yesterday, they arrived in the North East, and were waiting for me when I got home from work.[4] After chatting for a while, our other friend[7] Kathy arrived. Pausing only to pose for the Lescam,
we soon took a stroll into Newcastle, where we had a wee drinkie:
We then went to Casa Italia for a meal, before returning home.
[1] Michèle is a highly talented player of handbells and a member of the Sonos Handbell Ensemble
[2] Hi Martin![3]
[3] If you had a proper website, you could have a Losing it[1] link, too! Think of the fame!!!
[4] I hasten to add that this had been prearranged. I’m not sure how I’d react to strange foreigners[5] turning up on my doorstep unexpectedly…[6]
[5] Hi Michèle
[6] So don’t even think about it, Twisty!
[7] There seem to be a lot of them about at the moment