Lots of planets have a North

Best one for ages…

Monday, 31st May 2004 11:00 pm

Workout, that is.

After a few weeks of low-level work, I felt like doing some more this evening.

So, I did sets of 20 of each exercise on the abominable abdominal exerciser, followed that with ten minutes on the rower (puff, pant, sweat, etc), a partial set on the Bullworker (left arm started to complain, so I stopped), then finished with the usual 10km on the exercise bike. I wonder if I can keep that up for long…

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:smile: :P :D :wink: :cool: :wave: :cheesy: :lol: :laugh :neutral: :shock: :duh: :rolleyes :eek: :eek2: :uhoh: :( :cry :angry: :arrow: :???: :evil: :!!!: :huh: :idea: :kiss: :shh: :?: :oops: :twisted: :yes: :no: :yawn: :bouncy: :monster: :pig: :wales: :sleepy: