Tag Archives: Website

Twittery Tweaking

Since I started letting Twitter Tools make a daily post showing my Twitter activity, I haven’t been entirely happy with the way things looked. Because they’re automatically generated posts, they don’t have tags, or moods or any of the other odd little things that I add to some posts, so they tended to look a [...]

We Apologise For The Loss of Service

That’s one of those editorial “we” thingies, of course. There’s only the one of me really[1], but it’s one of those conventions that I like to observe. However, you can be assured that Les won’t fall into the bizarre habit of talking about himself in the third person. Les thinks that people who do that [...]


For regular readers who may have been wondering what the photon is going on, I have noticed that my posting volume has increased lately. I’ve no idea why I’m suddenly finding more random stuff to write about, or why I’ve finally started getting to grips with the huge backlog of photos, much less why both [...]

Another Small Change

I’ve replaced the built-in WordPress search thingy with a new improved one provided by Google. This should give quicker and more detailed results, as Google’s index of this site is rather better than the one it creates for itself[1]. The results will appear on a page on this site, but are otherwise standard Google stuff. [...]

New Look!

Well, sort of. I’ve just made a few fine adjustments to the tweaking I’ve been doing over the last few days. The main difference is that I’ve removed the icons from next to the Tags, Comments and other labels that appear at the top of posts. I’ve also made the text for those a wee [...]

I Think That Will Do For Now

As you might have noticed, I’ve been rearranging the furniture again. I’ve gone back to a single sidebar on the left, which has a lot less stuff in it. I’ve also decided to stay with the simplified header, and trimmed out some other bits here and there. In the process, I’ve reduced the huge number [...]

A Minor Rearrangement

Regular readers of the non-RSS persuasion may have noticed that I’ve made a few little changes to the main page of the site. I’ve taken the fancy header out in favour of some plain text, and taken some stuff out of the sidebars.
This is a step towards the next proper rearrangement, which might appear at [...]

That’s Better…

I mentioned last night that the site seemed to be a bit unwell. As it didn’t seem to relate to anything I’d changed, I contacted Dreamhost support, and JJ had a look. I have to say that on the rare occasions I need to contact Dreamhost, I generally get a good response from someone who [...]

Technical Difficulties

We seem to be having some issues with the server at present. I’m not sure what’s going on, but it looks like something is upsetting it and causing it to use way more memory and CPU than it’s supposed to, which means it’s failing to load pages and give rude error messages.
I’m looking in the [...]

Fixing the Figures

I mentioned the other day that I’d been suffering from AWStats borkage[1]. I also mentioned that I’d need to check later to see if it was working properly. Well, I didn’t quite get round to it yesterday, but I gave it a look today, and it seems to be producing much more believable figures - [...]