Workout, that is. Certainly the best since I started again at the beginning of the year.
But first, the ever-exciting weight report. This morning’s figure was slightly down at 206.0 pounds (14 stone 10 pounds, 93.4kg), which isn’t so bad.
And now, the workout. For the last few weeks, I’ve been giving myself a gentle start on the first session of the week, so as not to overdo it. But this evening felt a bit different. I started with the usual 10km on the bike, then moved quickly on to the oooh owww crunches and then varied the order a bit and did some work with the weights.
Breaking the habit of the last few weeks, I decided to include a wee bit of rowing. And somehow I managed to do three five minute sets. Pant, pant. Hard work, but it felt good. And I finished off with the usual Bullworker set.
And all that got me a peak heart rate of 161 - 90% of my notional maximum. Good stuff