I’m currently watching The 100 Greatest Cartoons on Channel 4. It’s the kind of show that C4 seem to be making a habit of - rather long (four hours in this case), lots of famous (hey, I’ve even heard of some of them ) people talking, and lots of clips.
This is good fun - the clips come from a huge range of TV shows and movies. The ratings are apparently based on a poll of some kind, but I really don’t care about what’s more popular than what else - it’s just nice to see so many cartoons
If you do care about the results of arbitrary polls, you’ll be able to look at the results page once it’s been published….
Tuesday, 1st March 2005 9:22 am
wtf was some of those cartoons about
i mean fitz the at or wateva it was
Tuesday, 1st March 2005 9:05 pm
Fritz the Cat? Notoriously feelthy kinky adult cartoon, apparently. Apart from that little clip, I’d never actually seen it, but I had heard of if before…