The pesky indecisive snow is still annoying me. It snowed last night, and this morning it was cold and snowy enough, with enough of the icky stuff on the ground for me to take the bus to work.
By lunchtime, there was brilliant sunshine, and while it was still cold, most of the snow had melted.
When I left the office, it was snowing again, and yet another layer of snow was appearing. It wasn’t snowing all that heavily, so I decided to walk across the river[1] at the very least. By the time I reached Gateshead, the snow had stopped. In fact, it looked like it hadn’t snowed for quite some time - the pavements were mostly clear. That would be those isolated shower thingies, I suppose.
And, just as I reached the top of my street, it started again. Big flakes of the stuff, coming down with evident enthusiasm.
[1] I should point out that I did make use of a bridge to do this