After last night’s serious exercise session, I was pleased to see my weight ever so slightly down this morning at 206.2 pounds (14 stone 10.2 pounds, 93.5kg).
I did think about having a rest night[1] this evening. Then I thought I’d just do a bit on the exercise bike. But no. Once again, I did a full work out. The usual 10km on the bike (completed in just under 19 minutes rather than well over 20 as used to be the case), the now traditional and unlikely to be increased 160 crunches (owwwww), then managed 12 minutes on the rower (two sets of five minutes, and a further two minute set to finish). After pausing to get my (pant, pant) breath back, I did the usual Bullworker set and some weight work.
I’m quite impressed with myself. Just need to do one more session this week to meet my target.
[1] I was thinking of upgrading to the new, final, released WordPress 1.5, but that can wait for now.