Now that was a good workout. Most intense since, err, well, umm, quite a long time ago. The funny[1] thing is that I was feeling a bit down, and wasn’t at all sure I could be bothered with doing any exercise at all. But I decided to force myself to at least do the basic 10km on the exercise bike and then stop if I didn’t feel like doing more.
And waddaya know? I worked harder than normal on the bike (finished the distance a wee bit quicker than normal), then decided I might as well do a bit more. So I followed that with the now usual total of 160 crunches on the abominable abdominal exerciser.
I then decided that it was time for a bit of variety. Rather than doing the Bullworker and weights sets, I got the rower out for the first time in ages. I did two five minute sets on that, which was pretty hard work[3]. I took a quick breather and then carried on and did the Bullworker set and some moderately hard work on the weights, too.
Hmmm. From not really being bothered through to “I’ll do a bit” and ending up at having done more than I have in ages. Most odd. I wonder if I’ll be able to keep that up?
[1] Funny peculiar, not funny ha ha[2]
[2] Though you can laugh if you like
[3] Which is not a Bad Thing