Losing it[1]

Ooooops, or 404 as we geeks call it

Ah. Sorry about that, but the page you were looking for isn't available. Now we might have misplaced it in one of the many reorganisations that this site undergoes, or we[1] might have decided that we didn't like it any more and deleted it from the server. Or it might just have moved. Or you might have been following an old link that referred to an earlier version of the site. You might be able to find what you were looking for by using one of the menu buttons above, or one of the links on the right, or you could even try the search box, which is pretty good for finding weblog posts. Or maybe you'd rather be on another site altogether. We can understand that....

[1] When we say "we", we really mean "Les", but speaking in the plural is one of those things we tend to do...