Most odd. By about 5pm today, I was feeling a lot better. All the aches and pains have gone, and my appetite has returned. Had some nice sweet and sour chicken with egg fried rice, and a couple of glasses of wine.[1]
Looks like I’ll be fine for work tomorrow, which is not a Bad Thing
[1] The really lovely Wolf Blass Yellow Label Cabernet Sauvignon
Scientists say that there is no such thing as the 24 hour flu, but ive had all the symptoms of a flu, and its only lasted 24hrs, nearly precisely…explain that one to me then ? huh ?? !!!!!
Ooh, that’s an easy one. The scientists in question were lying weasels.
Either that, or these nasty things that knock you flat for 24 hours[1] aren’t flu, but some other kind of virus thingy. Something like that, anyway.
It’s called food poisoning
No such thing as 24 hr flu
Check this out
The symptoms of food poisoning are nothing like what I was referring to…
Perhaps this is one of those linguistic differences between the UK and the US, but I’ve never known anyone refer to food poisoning as “24 hour flu”. The former tends to be rather messy, the latter is more likely to involve general weakness and inability to actually move all that much.
my daughter had a headache, watery eyes and sore throat. but yet the next day it was like nothing happened and she was feeling fine
this flu my brother has is that he is throwing up and he is sick now while im typing he is sleeping he got it today
so while i was on a diffrent website he was laying down :crying i was trying to find out what he has which is 24 hour fluand that is why it is good to have the internet and look up what u or your family has
I woke up yestersday with the worst sore throat known to man thought I had strep…went from one side then to the next witiing 5 hours I had a fever and it lasted all night…then I got the sweats my heart was racing all night and then it went stomach has been alittle off but not vomiting..had some diarehha yesterday but didn’t thik anything of it…wierd…24 hour thing in florida.
Sorry, just wanted to see all those smileys together.
My co-worker had some 24 hour thing on a 70 degree day here in NJ.
Swore to me that she was REALLY SICK
Sore throat and a 100.8 fever
Just hope she doesn’t give me anything It’s Friday !!!!