GPP Feature (Personality Prototype)

Bootcamp: Day 2

Tuesday, 27th April 2004 9:50 pm

Well, what with there only being four of us on the course, we got through the material so quickly that three of us felt ready to take the first exam this afternoon. I hadn’t realised until I checked my MCSE transcript, but it’s just over two years since my last Microsoft exam. However, I got into the metaphorical groove quickly enough and passed without feeling much in the way of difficulty.

Plenty of time now to prepare for the second one, which is apparently slightly harder. We shall see…

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:smile: :P :D :wink: :cool: :wave: :cheesy: :lol: :laugh :neutral: :shock: :duh: :rolleyes :eek: :eek2: :uhoh: :( :cry :angry: :arrow: :???: :evil: :!!!: :huh: :idea: :kiss: :shh: :?: :oops: :twisted: :yes: :no: :yawn: :bouncy: :monster: :pig: :wales: :sleepy: