Current Mood:

Well, I ended up giving MyMooMus a moderate tweaking to make it fit into my design. I think I’ll just use it for music, and use Cricket Moods when I want to mention what mood I’m in.
So there.
Well, I ended up giving MyMooMus a moderate tweaking to make it fit into my design. I think I’ll just use it for music, and use Cricket Moods when I want to mention what mood I’m in.
So there.
Hmmm. I had a quick play with MyMooMus a while ago, and I even used it recently to show what music I’m listening to. And now I see it’s been updated and improved.
Let’s see what it does….
Just testing a new “mood” plugin I learned about today. Quite nice - it uses the smilies as icons. And it’s got a proper control panel thingy.
Cricket Moods - worth a look.
Regular readers may be wondering what hit them over the last day or two. I’ve just been catching up on the things I’ve been meaning to post for a while - the weekend working thing drained me of the will to type for a bit, but I’m back to what passes for normal around here now , and I’ve reviewed all the books in the pile. More will follow, but probably spaced out a little more.
Humph. Amazon seem to have a server problem thingy. Some of the time, some of the images that are supposed to show you the covers of the books and things I’m reviewing are replaced with bright orange banners that link to Amazon’s home page instead of directly to the item in question.
Mutter. Apparently, they are working on it…..
It’s been a hot, sticky day. When I went out at around midday, it felt very hot - it was hazy, but I could feel the sun. Not being a hot weather person, I didn’t enjoy this much.
Now I’m enjoying some lovely thunderstorms and seriously heavy rain.[1]
An hour or two ago, there was even some hail - quite large stones which melted on impact…
Nice to see that the weather icon thingy on the sidebar is accurate, though!
[1] The road outside is bearing an interesting resemblance to a river
I’m having a play with the alpha code of what is currently known as WordPress 1.6 over at Les’s Devblog. So far, it’s a basic site, with no plugins, and no customisation of the design. Just seeing if it works.
I see that the title is being pushed out with numeric wossname codes for the apostrophe. Interesting. Very interesting, as they displayed a code number thing over here, so I had to edit it a bit.
There’s not a lot to see over there, so you probably don’t want to bother.
I’ve just installed the MyMooMus plugin. The idea is that I can add a note of my current mood[1], or more likely what music I’m listening to, to posts.
Let’s see if it works.
[1] Grumpy, very grumpy, incandescent with rage, etc
I’ve been using WordPress for a while now, and I’m generally happy with the way it works, and I’m comfortable with tweaking, templating, using plugins and actually using it. So I’m definitely interested in its future development. The next version, tentatively numbered 1.6[1] has now started Alpha testing. That’s the stage at which you’re only going to play with it in a test environment, because it will break something. Owen Winkler, author of the Exhibit plugin I use for the image gallery pages on Losing it[1], has written an interesting post about some of the new features. Looks very interesting indeed - the interface for writing new articles is going to be a lot fancier, with nifty clicky things.
I’ll probably have a play on a test site at some point.
[1] But going on previous form, it will probably get a higher number when it’s finally released
I recently started using Flickr for its handy feature that lets me post images to Losing it[1] directly from my phone. Nifty. Works quite nicely for those odd things that I see from time to time[1].
Having done that, I decided I might as well play with some of its other features, so I uploaded some of my old pictures to my Flickr account, and added that flash thingy you should be able to see on the right of the page. It shows a seemingly random selection of my pictures, and as I add more, they will appear there.
Quite pointless, but no more so than the rest of the site, so I’ll probably keep it.
[1] Hi Twisty!