First, the weight report. Down a wee bit this morning to 202.6 pounds (14 stone 6.6 pounds, 91.9kg). That’s firmly below the psychologicackle 14½ stone mark, which is always a Good Thing.
Woke up this morning with a troublesome right knee. For a while, it was hard to walk on, but it calmed down enough for walking to work to be not unpleasant. Had a few more twinges from it through the day. I’m not sure if this is a delayed reaction to Saturday’s long walk, or if I slept in an awkward position, or if it’s just random old age stuff
Whatever it is, it’s nasty enough to put me right off attempting any exercise beyond walking to and from work.
This isn’t good at all, as I’ve already been off the routine for a couple of weeks. But as I don’t want to aggravate whatever is wrong with my knee, I don’t think I’ve got any choice. Just have to watch what I eat while I’m not exercising. Talking of which, Aaron[1] persuaded me to try a different sarnie[10] shop today, and this proved to be a good move. I had a very nice brie and cranberry sauce sarnie[5] in a nice brown roll with a bit of salad[6] and a yummy onion bhaji. Friendly (and slightly wacky) staff, nice prices. I’ll be going back - that’s Universal Export Sandwiches (UES)[7] on Collingwood Street in Newcastle upon Tyne.[8]
[1] My assistant, for non-regular readers[2]
[2] And a big “hello” to you all
[3] And an even bigger “hello” to the nice people who’ve been clicking on my Amazon links and buying things![4]
[4] I’ve earned £0.58 already! I should be able to retire soon!
[5] A long-time favourite
[6] Which included red peppers, mmmm
[7] Universal Exports was the cover company for the secret service in the James Bond books, and mentioned in some of the movies. Nice touch.
[8] And given how thoroughly Google indexes this site, that’s a free advert![9]
[9] So if you’re reading this, guys, a free sarnie would be great 
[10] Note to furriners: sarnie = sandwich