First, the ever-exciting weight report: this morning’s figure was a wee bit up at 203.8 pounds (14 stone 7.8 pounds, 92.4kg).
My left arm was a bit achy earlier in the day, and my knees have been complaining when I go up stairs, but by the time I got home I was feeling better, so I decided to go for at least a partial exercise set. I started with the bike, which felt like much harder work than normal - at one point I thought I wouldn’t manage the full 10km, but I did it in the end
I then moved on to the abominable abdominal exerciser and stepped things up a bit - 45 of each exercise instead of the usual 40, making a total of 180, which is quite a lot. Ow, etc.
I followed that with the usual weights and Bullworker stuff, but decided that the rower would be a wee bit too much tonight. Maybe tomorrow, we shall see, and all that. Tune in for the next exciting installment
Without the fun and frolics on the rowing machine, my peak heart rate was a mere 130.