Content with the content?
Saturday, 12th March 2005 4:29 pmAs a regular visitor and occasional contributor to the WordPress forums, I’ve been feeling a bit left out lately. Why? Because of the Theme Competition. Now as the current design of Losing it[1] is 99%[1] identical to the default 1.5 theme and likely to stay that way[2], there’s no way I’d get involved with that.
But now there’s something else - the OSSCAS[3], organised by Organic Shadows
Hmmm, various categories there. But surely some mistake?? Shouldn’t there be a special award for the site with the most footnotes[4]?
Well, maybe someone will find something they like here…
[1] Possibly more
[2] What with me having the graphical design skills of a halibut with poor graphic design skills and all that
[3] Organic Shadows SITE CONTENT Awards
[4] I like footnotes