I don’t know what’s happening here. Maybe it’s general weirdness, or maybe I’m doing something right. I’ve been checking the statistics for visits to Losing it[1]. I was particualrly interested in the search engine queries that had sent people here[1]. I noticed that there were a number of visitors who had searched for the titles of some books I mentioned recently. I was amazed[2] to find that my review of Murder on the Leviathan had the first two hits on Google - one for the old link[3] and one for the current one.
And a quick check shows me that yesterday’s review of Century Rain is already doing nicely - beaten only by those Amazon people, and just above the publisher’s site….
My entries will probably drop down the lists sooner or later, but for now I’m basking in my unexpected fame.[4]
[1] And a big Hellllloooooooooooo to all of you
[2] Totally. Gobsmacked. And that’s probably an understatement
[3] Before the move to WordPress 1.5
[4] Such as it is