Well of course I'm a geek

Don’t know whether

Tuesday, 22nd February 2005 2:06 pm

SnowShould I really talk about the weather? We’ve been having some over the last few days, and I can’t say I’ve been altogether happy about it. I woke up on Sunday to this rather unpleasant sight. Brrrr.

Of course, this being Britain, we don’t get proper snow - the kind that falls, lies there looking like a Christmas card for a while then melts some time later. Oh no. What happens here is this:

  1. It snows
  2. Snow starts to melt into a nasty slippery slush
  3. It then turns colder, so the nasty slippery slush freezes into nasty, hard, very slippery ice
  4. Then it snows again
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