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February 21st, 2005

I think this is going quite well

Monday, 21st February 2005 10:15 pm

This morning’s weight was down a wee bit to 206.8 pounds (14 stone 10.8 pounds, 93.8kg). Oddly enough, that’s only about a pound less than this time last year, but it would seem that the weight has been redistributed somewhat. :grin

My waistline seems to be slowly decreasing and my arms, shoulders and chest are definitely getting bigger and firmer[1]. All good stuff.

And talking of good stuff, I managed another workout this evening. All the usual stuff[2], inluding twelve minutes on the rowing machine. I worked pretty hard this time - my peak heart rate was 153, or 86% of that theoretical maximum thingy. Feeling a slight ache in my shoulders now :cheesy:

[1] Calm down, Twisty!!! :tongue
[2] I’m sure you don’t need the details again