Well, here it is. The all-new, much improved, much better looking version of Losing it[1]. The new layout is based on the new WordPress default design, which I had to admit was much easier on the eye than my own work. I’ve added my own header image and made a few small changes to the appearance of a few things here and there.
It’s likely that more changes will follow, but for now I’m happy with the way the site looks. If anything seems broken, please let me know and I’ll fix it as soon as I can work out what I’ve done wrong
Now I’ve finished the test period, I should have more time for actually writing posts. Expect some more book, CD and DVD reviews soon, as well as the regular weight and exercise reports. I might even get around to taking some more photographs….
[1] I had some fun when I came to transfer the new layout from my test site to the live site[2]
[2] Hint to all WordPress users: remember to upload the right wp-config.php file. It works a lot better that way