Now it’s not often that I see an item of clothing that I really like. But a few weeks back, I wandered into the MetroCentre branch of The Gap and saw a rather lovely soft leather jacket. The colour was light tan, the leather was beautifully soft, and it even had pockets[1]. The only trouble was the price tag: £198. Now, I can spend that much (and more) on what might loosely be described as “toys” (phones, heart rate monitors, audio equipment, etc), but somehow spending it on a jacket seemed a bit much. So, I dithered. Should I, shouldn’t I? I left the shop empty handed on that occasion. And the next when I went for another look. Yes, and the next, too.
But, I eventually talked myself into it. So, after seeing Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow I was in a good enough mood to go to The Gap and at least try the thing on. And would you believe it? It was reduced in the sale to £119.99! Tried on a couple to get the right size, and happily bought the jacket.
So there we have it. A new saying has to be coined:
He who hesitates saves eighty quid
[1] A lot of otherwise fine jackets fail for me on grounds of not having enough pockets. It’s a geek thing….