Slightly more exercise tonight. Did the abominable abdominal exerciser thing, ten minutes on the rower[1], more Bullworker stuff, a quick play with the dumbells and the usual 10km on the exercise bike.
[1] Aim to build that back up to 20 soon[2]
[2] Soon-ish, anyway
Looks like this downswing is a good one
This morning’s weight is (wait for it, wait for it[1]):
199.4 pounds (14 stone 3.4 pounds, 90.4kg)
While I’ve never had an ultimate weight target[2] as such, getting below 200 pounds has been a step along the way that I’ve been looking forward to passing. Some time ago (I think it was when I got to 210 pounds), someone[4] asked me if I was going to get below 200 pounds. At the time, I didn’t think it would happen, but here I am…
So, my next interim targets are:
- Get below 90kg - should be achievable, it’s just one pound away
- Get below 14 stone - that will take a little longer, but I think I’ll get there
And from there, who knows……
[1] I did think of saying “weight for it”. Aren’t you glad I didn’t?
[2] I don’t work well with actual targets[3]
[3] And don’t even think about deadlines
[4] I think it was AJ[5]
[5] Hi AJ!